Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hes finally here!!!!! Stetson Blake Stockton was born on March 30th after about 22 hours of induced contractions. He was 8.4lbs and 21 inches!!! Both Clancy and I have never felt so complete before this bundle of joy entered our lives. Its almost as if a part of him as always been with us just waiting patiently to come into our life. When it finally hit me that he was actually mine and that he wasnt going anywhere I knew that being a mother was what i was born to do. We are just so grateful that God entrusted a life in our hands.  
Each day is a new adventure where Clancy and I learn something new about our little Stetson. I cant even believe what a good baby he is. He never cries unless he is hungry or getting his diaper changed. He also sleeps SOOOOO much!! He wouldn't even wake up during the night if i didn't wake him up and make him eat! He loves his daddy's voice. Anytime Clancy talks or sings , Stetson never takes his eyes off of him. My only complaint is Stetsons habit to spray poop everywhere when I am changing him. You might think I'm exaggerating but today i was in the middle of changing him and i had to jump out of the way when a stream of poop came shooting out and hit the diaper genie, guitar and a few feet of carpet. I wouldn't have believed it was possible if I hadn't of seen it. Needless to say, a steel brush and lots of carpet cleaner was the fate my mother thankfully shared with me for the next hour. Besides that, he has been an angel and i couldn't enjoy motherhood more!!! I'm sure there will be a lot more stories to share as the days, weeks, and years go by.


  1. Oh the wonderful pee and poop stories! I'm sure you'll have many more to share with us! I'm so happy for you two and completely understand the feeling of loving another being so incredibly much that it moves you to tears. And to think that God loves us even more than that! It is absolutely amazing. Well, I love Stetson and I'm so happy he is finally here and that I get to watch him grow! It's so fun to finally have a nephew!

  2. Hi Missy! It's Aly Slone, not sure if you remember me from all the showers and whatnot, but your Boy is BEAUTIFUL! I mean HANDSOME... sorry my whole life is Girls. But Wow, what a spitting image of Clancy. Good Job to you Mom for getting thru it alive and making such a cutie ;)
